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How to Do Etsy Tracking by Using Data Tracking?


● The data tracking function supports comprehensive real-time tracking of competitors' products, shops, and keywords, providing in-depth insights into market trends through analyzing the performance of competitors' products, shops, and keywords. 
Return to Data Tracking

How to Use

Product Tracking

Search: Supports searching for tracked products by product name, Tag word, product ID, product URL, or shop URL. 
Go to the Product Database to Add Tracking.
● Batch Untracking: Select the products you want to cancel tracking, and click [Batch Untracking] to cancel the tracking in bulk.
● Export CSV: The list display has limited information. Users can export to CSV to view more details about the products, including: title, price, weekly sales, total sales, total reviews, total favorites, tags, shipping location, listing time, bestseller tag, Etsy pick tag, Raving tag, shop name, official Etsy product link. Supports single-page export and full export.
● Sorting: You can sort by clicking the ascending/descending icons next to the fields, or by selecting options from the dropdown box for descending order.
Jump to Etsy Official Product Detail Page: Click the Etsy official link icon to open a new Etsy official product detail page.
Jump to Etsy Official Product Detail Page
Jump to Ehunt Product Detail Page: Click the Ehunt detail icon to open a new Ehunt product detail page.
Jump to Ehunt Product Detail Page
Product Tracking Details: Click the tracking icon to expand the tracking details as shown below.
● Sales: Displays the sales of the product for the past 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days, last 180 days, and unlimited time.  
● Favorites & Reviews: Displays the latest total number of favorites and total number of reviews for the past 30 days, last 90 days, last 180 days, unlimited time, and the latest data.
● Price & Discount: Displays the latest price and discount for the past 30 days, last 90 days, last 180 days, unlimited time, and the latest data.
● Income: Displays the income of the product for the past 7 days, last 30 days, last 90 days, last 180 days, and unlimited time.
● Keyword Tracking: Tracks the ranking of this product under the keywords you set in Etsy search. Data is updated daily, and you can switch between list/chart views.
● Product Change Tracking: Tracks changes in the product's title, images, tags, and description. Changed parts are identified with color, and data is updated daily.
Ehunt's product tracking function is an Etsy competition tracker.The product tracking function is essentially an Etsy price tracker and Etsy sales tracker.
Product Tracking Details

Shop Tracking

Search: Supports searching for tracked shops by Etsy shop name or URL.
Go to the Shop Database to Add Tracking 
● Batch Cancel Tracking: Select the shops you want to cancel tracking, and click [Batch Cancel Tracking] to cancel the tracking in bulk.
● Export to CSV: The list display has limited information. Users can export to CSV to view more details about the shops, including: shop name, main category, country, total sales, sales in the past 7 days, total reviews, reviews in the past 7 days, total favorites, favorites in the past 7 days, number of items on sale, opening date, whether it's a star seller, whether it's Raving, shop rating, shop link. Supports single-page export and full export.
● Sorting: You can sort by clicking the ascending/descending icons next to the fields, or by selecting options from the dropdown box for descending order.
Jump to Etsy Official Shop Detail Page: Click the Etsy official link icon to open a new Etsy official shop detail page.
Jump to Etsy Official Shop Detail Page
Jump to Ehunt Shop Detail Page: Click the Ehunt detail icon to open a new Ehunt shop detail page.
Jump to Ehunt Shop Detail Page
Shop Tracking Details: Click on the tracking icon to expand the shop tracking details as shown in the figure. 
● Sales: Displays the weekly and cumulative sales of the shop for the last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and unlimited time. 
● Reviews: Displays the weekly and cumulative number of reviews of the shop for the last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and unlimited time. 
● Favorites: Displays the weekly and cumulative number of favorites of the shop for the last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and unlimited time. 
● On Sale:Displays the number of active listings of the shop for the last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and unlimited time. 
● National Sales Rank : Displays the country-specific rank of the shop for the last 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and unlimited time. 
● New product Tracking: Daily tracking of new listings in this shop, marking items with a "new" label when newly listed in the past week. 
● Inactive product Tracking: Daily tracking of delisted items in this shop, marking items with a "latest" label when newly delisted in the past week. 
● Best-Selling Tracking: Daily tracking of top-selling products in this shop, displaying the "Top 10 in Sales for the Past 7 Days." New entries into the top 10 will be marked with a "new" label. 
Shop Tracking Details

Keyword Monitoring

Go to the Keyword Database to Add keyword Monitoring.
● Batch Keyword Analysis: Supports analyzing up to 100 keywords simultaneously. Select 1-100 keywords, then click the "Batch Analyze Keywords" button. A new batch analysis page will open with the selected keywords.
● Batch Untrack: First, select the keywords you want to cancel Tracking, then click "Batch Untrack" to cancel keyword Tracking in bulk.
● Export CSV: Exported information includes keywords, views, competition, favorites, and sales. Supports exporting by page or exporting all.
● Copy: First, select the keywords you want to copy, then click "Copy" to batch copy the keywords.
Jump to Ehunt Keyword Analysis Page: Click on the details icon to open a new Ehunt keyword analysis page.
Jump to Ehunt Keyword Analysis Page
Keyword Tracking Details: Click on "View" or the tracking icon to expand the keyword tracking details, as shown in the figure below. 
● Product Rank: Displays the search results and corresponding rankings of products using this keyword on Etsy, showing the top 50 products and their rankings. Data is updated daily. If a new product is monitored to enter the top 50, it will be marked with a "new" label. 
● Views: Total views of the top 100 best-selling products using this keyword, data sourced from Etsy, updated daily. 
● Favorites: Total favorites of the top 100 best-selling products using this keyword, data sourced from Etsy, updated daily. 
● Competition: The number of related products found on Etsy when searching for this keyword, data sourced from Etsy, updated daily. 
● Sales: Total sales of the top 100 best-selling products using this keyword, estimated based on Etsy product data and machine learning algorithms. For reference only. 
● Average Price: Average selling price of the top 100 best-selling products using this keyword, data sourced from Etsy, updated daily. 
Keyword Tracking Details

Who can use this?

Only Pro plan users can all use it. For more details on plan quotas. View Plan Packages

Updated on: 09/06/2024

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