Articles on: Common Questions

About Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Payment

About Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Payment

1. How do I subscribe to the plan?

You can subscribe to any plan at
Please note that EtsyHunt ONLY accepts payments via credit cards and Alipay currently.

2. How do I upgrade my plan?

You can upgrade your plan and pay the price difference at

3. How can I downgrade my plan?

Sorry, you cannot downgrade your plan directly. But here's an option: You can cancel your current subscription first. Once your current plan expires, you can then resubscribe to the plan that suits your preferences.

4. How do I unsubscribe from the current plan?

If you want to cancel the subscription, follow these steps:
● Click your name in the top right corner of the website, then go to your PLAN.
● Click the "Cancel Subscription" button.
● Read carefully and confirm each step (especially choosing "Cancel Subscription" at the second confirmation step).
● After cancellation, please double-check your account status to ensure there are no upcoming payments. By the way, you can still use the remainder of your billing cycle.

5. Will my subscription auto-renew?

Yes, EtsyHunt automatically renews your subscription after each billing period, depending on your chosen subscription type - monthly or annually.
If you wish to cancel your subscription, please note that doing so will turn off the auto-renew feature and end the current subscription cycle.

6. How to change my payment credit card?

Currently, we do not support direct credit card switching.
However, here's an option: Please go to "User Center - Profile - Plan - Cancel Subscription" and cancel your subscription first. Once your subscription has expired, you can subscribe again using a different card.

7. Why was I charged twice?

Please check whether you have subscribed to our product using multiple accounts. It's possible that some users may not remember having multiple subscriptions. If you have reviewed your billing statement and ensured that this is not the case, please feel free to reach out to our online customer support. We will respond within 48 hours.****

Updated on: 03/20/2024

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